* these authors contributed equally
3. Karageorgi M, Lyulina AS, Bitter MC, Lappo E, Greenblum S, Mouza ZK, Tran CT, Huynh AV, Oken H, Schmidt P*, Petrov DA*. Dominance reversal protects large-effect resistance polymorphisms in temporally varying environments. bioRxiv: 2024.10.23.619953, 2024.
2. Lyulina AS*, Liu Z*, Good BH. Linkage equilibrium between rare mutations. Genetics 228 (3): iyae145, 2024. Featured on the cover.
1. Gurtovenko AA, Lyulina AS. Electroporation of asymmetric phospholipid membranes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (33): 9909–9918, 2014. Featured on the cover.