Anastasia Lyulina

Statistics of linked loci

Together with Zhiru Liu and Benjamin Good, I study how correlations between alleles are shaped by the interplay of selection, mutation, recombination, and drift. We use our theoretical predictions to gain insight into the dynamics of recombination in bacterial populations.

Distributions of metastatic tumor sizes

In collaboration with the Winslow lab, I work on characterizing and understanting the size distributions of tumor metastasis across different kinds of cancers. I am particularly interested in decoupling the ability of cancer cells to seed a tissue from their ability to consecutively expand.

Population genetics of the spoon-billed sandpiper

Before starting graduate school, I worked as a research assistant with Fyodor Kondrashov. There, I used simulations and mathematical modeling to learn how past changes in the population size of a critically endangered bird species contributed to its present-day genetic diversity.

last updated in April 2024